After Aftershock Shock


After Aftershock Shock takes earthquakes as a starting point and combines dance with onomatopoeic language to explore different forms and intensities of shaking. Shaking is a physical state that comes over us, often unintentionally. It can arise from our bodies themselves or enter our bodies from the outside, forcing them to adapt to the movement of their environment, like an earthquake - a force of nature that is difficult to predict and that completely surrounds us.

Performed at Ringtheater, Berlin (2022)

Production/Co-Direction: Jingyun Li
Choreography/Co-Direction: Saori Hala
Text/Artistic Support: So Young H. Kim
Research: Jingyun Li, Saori Hala, So Young H. Kim
Dramaturgy: Thore Walch
Performance: Asuka Julia Riedl, Susanna Ylikoski, Saori Hala
Choreographic Support: Asuka Julia Riedl, Susanna Ylikoski, Deva Schubert
Sound: Kyoka
Video: Juli Wycisk
Stage Design and Costumes: Kathrin Sohlbach
Light: Haesoo Eshu Jung
Dramaturgic Support: Dandan Liu
Speaker: Annabell Koßmann
Photos: Toni Petraschk
Documentation: Valentin Braun

The research and piece development is funded by the Performing Arts Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR and GVL scholarship. The production is funded by the Mitte District Culture Fund and the Berliner Ringtheater.
With the kind support of the Mitte District Office of Berlin, Department of Art, Culture and History.